Ensuring VETS 2 mission delivery

Due to its popularity as a critical tool for federal agencies that delivers faster, more compliant, and less costly IT acquisitions, GSA’s VETS 2 Governmentwide Acquisition Contract (GWAC) increased its ceiling to $6.1 billion. This decision ensures the continued availability of this vital resource, supporting federal agencies in meeting their IT needs while promoting opportunities for Service-Disabled Veteran-Owned Small Businesses (SDVOSBs).

Why the increase?

The VETS 2 GWAC experienced significant growth, with current obligations nearing $3.6 billion. Projections indicate that we will reach 80% of the original ceiling ($5 billion) within this fiscal year. To maintain the contract’s viability and avoid disruptions, we are increasing the ceiling to $6.1 billion. This adjustment also aligns with the FY24 National Defense Authorization Act, which raised the governmentwide goal for SDVOSB participation from three to five percent, making the availability of VETS 2 to the federal government even more critical.

Benefits of the ceiling increase

  • Continued Support: The ceiling increase ensures that VETS 2 remains available to support federal agencies as they address the FY24 NDAA-directed SDVOSB goal increase through the end of the ordering period on February 22, 2028.
  • Avoiding Disruptions: By raising the ceiling before reaching the original limit, we can avoid the need for stringent ordering controls that could hinder the use of the contract.
  • Economic Inclusion: This move supports the administration’s goals for diversity, equity, inclusion, and accessibility, ensuring SDVOSBs have ample opportunities to participate in federal IT procurements.

VETS 2 GWAC successes

VETS 2 has proven to be a critical tool for federal agencies, with numerous high-value task orders awarded to SDVOSBs. Some notable examples include:

  • A $248 million order for IT support services for a digital infrastructure services center.
  • A $166 million order for enterprise services integration and modernization.
  • A $404 million task order for the U.S. Army Futures Command’s Enterprise Information Technology Support Services.

Looking ahead

GSA is also preparing for the next generation SDVOSB GWAC. We are currently evaluating offers under the SDVOSB Pool of the new Polaris GWAC program, which won’t have a contract ceiling. With awards expected in the next fiscal year, Polaris will continue to expand opportunities for SDVOSBs and support the evolving IT needs of federal agencies.

For more information about VETS 2, please reach out to vets2@gsa.gov.

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