Through GSA’s best-in-class 8(a) STARS III governmentwide acquisition contract (GWAC), small businesses are delivering cutting-edge IT solutions to support critical government operations worldwide. This contract empowers agencies to streamline acquisitions, achieve mission success, and realize taxpayer savings by using small businesses both at home and abroad.
In one great example, the 8(a) STARS III team recently tapped into its OCONUS pool of 8(a) businesses to get IT support services for the U.S. Embassy in Baghdad and its consulate in Erbil, Iraq. This operation underscores 8(a)STARS III’s far-reaching impact as well as the essential role GSA plays in delivering technology solutions to even the most challenging environments.
We’re committed to building a diversified, capable, and high-performing federal IT landscape. 8(a) STARS III shows how collaboration among GSA, federal agencies, and small businesses drives innovation and strengthens government missions across the globe.
IT For the State Department
We worked closely with the Department of State (State) on a mission-critical 8(a) STARS III task order. This took hard work and coordination among the U.S. Embassy, State, several GSA teams, and various industry partners.
We conducted a GSA Market Research As a Service (MRAS) request that notified industry that State needed unique location-specific services. One service required the selected contractor to have an Iraq Business License, which MRAS helped identify. This requirement usually takes several months and existing personal connections within the Iraqi government.
This task order has a lifetime value of more than $55 million and secures services for State for up to four years.
Empowering small IT service providers
Small businesses are a critical part of America’s marketplace. They support the U.S. economy, create jobs, and spark innovation within both the private and public sectors.
With multiple federal agencies, GSA is committed to providing opportunities and development for these firms through innovative contract solutions.
8(a) STARS III has a current value of more than $6 billion, awarding over 1,100 contracts, the most ever on a GSA STARS GWAC. Since its start, more than 40 federal agencies have used the 8(a) STARS III to get the IT services they need from highly qualified small businesses.
To date, over 3,700 acquisition personnel have completed 65+ Delegation of Procurement Authority trainings.
Our Worldwide Impact
The 8(a) STARS III contract has brought great value to federal agencies, small businesses, and American taxpayers. We encourage using this innovative, best-in-class contract.
Learn more about 8(a) STARS III or use our IT Solutions Navigator to find the vehicle that’s right for you.