Announcing the Next Generation Network Infrastructure Strategy and Industry Day on May 30

This is a guest post by Jake Marcellus, Executive Director, Office of Enterprise Technology Solutions.

Next-Gen Network: Riding the wave into the future

Greetings, tech enthusiasts and future-forward thinkers! Are you ready to dive into the exciting world of Next Generation Network Infrastructure (NGNI)? This isn’t just another IT telecommunications program; it’s the transformational blueprint for tomorrow’s federal IT network and telecommunications landscape.

Why NGNI? Staying ahead of the game

Government agencies rely on enterprise telecommunications and infrastructure every day to accomplish their missions, and the technologies and marketspace are constantly evolving. Enter NGNI – our vision to ensure the government isn’t just keeping pace but setting the pace in the IT network and telecommunications landscape.

Learning from the past, building for the future

NGNI is drawing inspiration from the past while eyeing the possibilities of tomorrow. It’s about simplifying the complex, embracing innovation, and ensuring the government has the tools it needs to serve the American people efficiently and securely.

Mark your calendars: Industry Day is coming!

Circle May 30 on your calendars for our upcoming Industry Day. Whether you’re looking to learn more about GSA’s current Enterprise Technology Solutions contracts or for information on where you can contribute ideas or to just soak in the vision, this is where you’ll want to be.

Visit our GSA Enterprise Technology Solutions Industry Day webinar registration to sign up for the event. Industry Day participants can contribute ideas through this NGNI Feedback form until June 14, 2024.

Visit our website to learn more about EIS or use our IT Solutions Navigator to find the vehicle that’s right for you.

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